After a rather tedious day of "blitzing" the children's bedrooms, what better way to end it with a glass (or 2 or 3) or champagne?! Pure bliss!
Of course, the bedrooms are not even nearly finished - there is a long, long way to go. At least one bin bag of junk went in the wheelie bin - major achievement as Ed never wants to throw anything away. I now have some boxes of things that we are intending to Car Boot, plus a few bags of clothes to pass on to others - so things are looking up. Em has been through all her clothes and been quite ruthless which was entirely essential.
Only two weeks to go until Breaking Dawn is released in paperback - can't wait. Hope the books don't have the stupid red edging that I have seen recently - it will ruin the symmetry of my collection!

Needless to say I will have to buy two copies, one for me and one for Em. Am really hoping I can get them on offer - or Em might have to buy her own!
Have fun! M x
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