Sunday, 21 November 2010

Craft Fair

Well today was the culmination of all my weeks of hard work and I had high hopes. I had lots of flower brooches, hair clips, snowflakes, birds, notebooks, and note cards to sell - a very full table indeed.

And how did I do? Well it was pretty poor to be honest. Four hours of very little people traffic - if only I had taken Paige's advice (from here ) and taken my crochet - I could have finished my blanket! It didn't help that the school hall had no heating and I was absolutely frozen. We won't dwell too much on the annoying old man who kept loitering around everyone's stalls putting customers off!
Anyway - another one in two weeks time and then I may have to resort to Ebay!
Take care. M x

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear the craft fair wasn't very busy. point me the way of your ebay shop when you open it! I still can't get my head around making cracheted flowers and yours look wonderful!!!
